About The Data

A key finding from the Governor Ivey's Alabama Opioid Overdose and Addiction Council was the need to establish a Central Data Repository (CDR) so that all opioid data could be evaluated holistically. The CDR is meant to hold data and distribute results to partner agencies and the public. The CDR is overseen by a Governance Board composed of the agencies who contribute data to the repository. In 2018, The University of Alabama’s Institute of Data and Analytics (IDA) was selected as the academic partner and implementer of DrugUse-CDR, as well as the manager of the public-facing web URL of druguse.alabama.gov.

Citing This Data

For research publications, please use the citation below to reference the data and analyses if citing the entire site:

The University of Alabama‘s Institute of Data and Analytics (IDA). (2024). Alabama Drug Use Central Data Repository (CDR). druguse.alabama.gov

Dashboard Description Source Timeframe Data Suppression Update Frequency Specific Citations
Social Determinants of Health Social Determinants of Health and Access to Care by Alabama zip codes The U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey 5-Year Estimate

Alabama Department of Mental Health

Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Syndromic Surveillance Data Program (NSSP)



Average of data.

Average of data.
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Treatment Alabama residents that have received treatment for Substance Use Disorder from the Alabama Department of Mental Health Alabama Department of Mental Health 2014-2024 Any combination of time and demographic categories that results in <10 cases for a county is suppressed and noted as <10. Quarterly
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Emergency Room Alabama residents who visited an emergency room for an overdose-related reason. Center for Disease Control and Prevention‘s (CDC) National Syndromic Surveillance Data Program (NSSP) 2016-2024 Counties with < 10 deaths in a year not reported Quarterly
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Prescriptions Opioid prescription rate per 100 residents in Alabama by year Center for Disease Control and Prevention IQVIA Database 2016-2022 None - county level data adjusted for population Annually
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EMS Overdoses Overdose-related Emergency Medical Services (EMS) incidents in Alabama Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Database 2019-2024 Counties with < 10 incidents in a year are not reported Quarterly
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Opioid Related Deaths Persons in Alabama that have died of an apparent overdose Center for Disease Control and Prevention Wonder 2015-2021 Counties with < 10 incidents in a year not reported Annually
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Drug Related Arrests Alabama arrests due to possession and sale of controlled substances Alabama Statistical Analysis Center 2014-2019 None - data publicly available Annually
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Health Services Utilization Data from the largest healthcare insurance payers in Alabama Alabama Medicaid (AL Medicaid) and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama (BCBSAL) 2016-2023 Counties with < 10, but more than 0 incidents in a year, are suppressed and noted as < 10. Annually
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Poison Control Information Voluntarily reported intentional opioid exposure cases to Alabama Poison Information Center. Alabama Poison Information Center 2016-2024 Counties with < 10, but more than 0 incidents in a year, are suppressed and noted as < 10. Quarterly
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Core Opioid Treatment Metrics Core Opioid Treatment Metrics for Alabama Alabama Medicaid (AL Medicaid) 2018-2020 Not Applicable Annually
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